The advance of cold and the dwindling of daylight has been marked by a veritable harvest of titles arriving at Three Hands Press. Standard editions of Joseph Uccello’s Occlith 1: Codex Homunculi is now shipping. Also fresh off the presses is The Luminous Stone, our groundbreaking anthology of essays on Lucifer, has now arrived. While the deluxe editions are being bound, the standard hardcover and trade paper editions are being shipped for all pre-orders. Also, the deluxe edition of Cody Dickerson’s The Language of the Corpse will be shipping early next week on October 18. Deluxe editions of A Rose Veiled in Black, having been held up for some time, will also be emerging late next week.
Given the immense activity surrounding shipping at the present time, we have postponed official announcement of Daniel Schulke’s The Green Mysteries until October 21.