We continue to receive accolades for The Moribund Portal, the latest work of Richard Gavin. His exploration of the occult lore and liminal magical states suffusing the gallows and the place of execution is a unique work, not only for our own catalogue but for esoteric publishing at large. In a recent interview with the author with Secret Transmissions, Richard remarked on the initiatory occult powers examined in the book:
…so long as people compartmentalize aspects of their being, life will impede Initiation. Likewise, so long as people deliberately fill their lives with as much frenetic activity and commitments (most of which are dedicated toward material gain or cementing one’s social stature), life will impede Initiation. The extremity of the sacrifice will vary depending on how completely one has become entangled in a life that is antithetical to the subtle receptiveness of Spiritism or the reflective rigors of magical Initiation. All things come at a cost.
The Moribund Portal is Richard’s third work for Three Hands Press, preceded by Penumbrae and Sylvan Dread.